Sweetgrass Baskets at NBO 2019

Exactly a week ago today I was driving down to Kentucky with my boyfriend. My excitement was at an all time high because we were heading to the 10th biannual conference of the National Basketry Organization or NBO. The conference was taking place at Western Kentucky University and I have been anticipating this conference for months.

Back in the fall I put in my application for a scholarship to attend and to my delight it was accepted. I was super happy to find out I was put into a sweetgrass coiling class with Lynette Youson. Sweetgrass baskets have been on my “basket bucket list” for a while now and I was never able to make a class. Willow has been in the front seat for the last few years so I was ready for a new challenge, and what better place to do that then the NBO conference.


I was so impressed by the organization of this whole event. There was a lot of information but once I got there it all started to make sense. The Kentucky Museum was where the new exhibit was held along with some of our banquet dinners and auctions.

Across campus was our classrooms and the student dinning hall where we had lunch.

Walking in to check in I was a bit intimidated and wondered if I would find anyone I knew. A few steps into the building and I instantly recognized a few people. Some I have met and some I know only by reputation. It was intoxicating walking, talking and sitting alongside so many women and men that I have come to admire and look up to. I was learning alongside basket makers who have been making for 30 years or more. Basket makers who have mastered this craft and still are so humble and sweet to those of us just starting. I was so grateful to be welcomed into this group and I instantly felt like I belonged.

I am beyond grateful for all of these members because without their support of the organization and their love of baskets either making or purchasing, I wouldn’t have been able to addend. The scholarship program is funded by the top artists donating their work and then the individual members for purchasing that work knowing that what they bid in auction goes right to fostering us students who want to be part of and carry on the history and knowledge of this craft. Needless to say there were good feels all around and it was really wonderful knowing that my excitement and passion was infectious to everyone around me. The older members of this community delighted in seeing us “young ones” excited and learning all we could from their years of knowledge.


Once you work in a group setting on a craft you can understand the delight and love of learning this way. I’m always beyond excited to start on the first day and learn about all the other members in the group. I was in a room with two classes going on together so the energy and buzz in this room was wonderful. Women and men and from all over the country gathered together to work and learn basket making from the top leaders in our craft.

I was so excited to meet Lynette and learn more about her. She was one of the makers featured in a video made by, believe it or not, one of the students taking the class Billy Ray Sims. You can watch his 10 minute video below which also features some of the members of NBO and one of my favorite teachers Jo Campbell Amsler.

So back to the conference and the class. There was just so many wonderful things to experience. Even down to the fact that there was a Patrick Dougherty piece right next to the museum. This was the first time I got to see one of his installations.

Sweetgrass coiling was just a joy and we all quickly learned that it was harder than we expected. Using all the natural materials was amazing. We used sweetgrass, bulrush, palm leaf and pine needles to create these very traditional baskets. I was quick so I was able to make a traditional rice fanner and I coiled and coiled until I had to stop for three days straight. On the third day I actually celebrated my 36th birthday and delighted in sharing that the NBO gave me the best birthday gift!!!

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One of the other things I was grateful for was having my boyfriend with me. We were able to enjoy some of the local sights and restaurants. We tried some traditional Kentucky BBQ at a local place. Everything was delicious and the owner of the restaurant loved talking to my “New Yorker” boyfriend.

We also did a little tour of the Lost River Cave in Bowling Green. I didn’t realize that so much of Kentucky was underground and that sinkholes are just a part of life down there. To our delight we learned that the freshmen dormitory at the college was built right over a sink hole. My boyfriend even got to visit the Corvette museum in town.

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He took me to a wonderful local restaurant and we called it a night. On the last day of classes Lynette showed us how to start the center of the coil. On the first day of class she provided us with center pieces already made that way we could learn the hard stuff last. It also set me up to make another basket with the additional supplies that I purchased from her.

I did miss the last night because I had to leave after classes ended in order to make it home by the next day. The whole experience was so wonderful that I really hope to attend the next conference in 2021. I might even volunteer to be on the committee to help find the next location. I’d love to convince them to have it here in New Jersey, but I’d be just as happy with an east coast location.

I’m so grateful to the NBO for all that they do and I have a new love and appreciation for everyone who is part of this organization and what it stands for. I hope that I’ll be a member for many years to come and start adding more numbers to my name tag.

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